Matt Hiers for Rock Hill School Board District One
Matt Hiers with his wife and two daughters.

Building a brighter future for ALL!

"I am running for Rock Hill School Board to ensure that our children receive the best educational opportunities available. My goal is to prepare them to achieve their goals and become exemplary citizens within our community. I believe that this will be achieved by providing a multitude of opportunities focused on finding their direction in life. We must give our teachers every available classroom resource in order to make this happen and to lessen their burdens.

Community involvement will be our greatest tool in preparing our students for life. I have started laying several local businesses, non profits, and entrepreneurs to become involved in our schools with mentorships and apprenticeships to provide much needed guidance to our youth. My plan is to use these community partners to enrich our students' education via real life preparation because after all 'it takes a village'.

We must stress the importance of not only an educational curriculum, but also developing well rounded individuals. I believe this will be achieved through stressing interpersonal communication to allow students to express themselves, resolve conflicts, and communicate effectively.

As a father of two, I realize the responsibility and gravity of this office and the impact that I will have on our community's future. Please take the time to explore this site, familiarize yourself with my stances, and learn more about me.

Together, we can create a brighter future for our children and I am committed to fighting for them every step of the way. Join me in bringing our "village" together to produce a better tomorrow. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns as I will always be available for you. I ask for your support, interaction, commitment, and prayers. Let's roll up our sleeves and get this done for our children!"

- Matt Hiers